Thursday, March 26, 2009

Secret of Life

I graduate in about two months. Actually, in 57 days, to be exact.
As of May 23, I have absolutely no idea what I will be doing with my life, but I suppose neither does most of the population right now.

What is more surprising to me is that I am not freaking out about this.
In fact, I'm actually closer to freaking out about me not freaking out about it than I am to freaking out about it (read that one slowly and it makes sense).

I've been less anxious lately. It takes a lot to make me worry now. This is very new for me, as I have had anxiety issues since I was 14. Maybe the meds are finally starting to work. Or maybe, just maybe, I am
finally starting to realize the important things in life. Quite a statement to make, but I'd like to think that while it doesn't by any means fix things, maybe all the disappointments and bull shit of the past year and a half may have some sort of benefit.

this just makes me very complacent.