Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random Rambles

I can't sleep, so I decided to write. I'm tired though, so it wont be that great.

The other day, I was hanging out with some fellow CNSers, aka not editing in Tawes. We split up in two cars to go to Target and to lunch, and I happened to be in the one with two people who are soon-to-be-married, each to their "high school sweethearts." Great.
Now I should mention here that I am still dealing with a not-so-friendly breakup of my high school sweetheart, who I dated for 4 1/2 years.
We broke up in March.
He's now practically engaged, too.

The entire drive I heard about first dates and first "I love yous," "that moment," and wedding plans. I have to say, it made me kind of depressed. These people are planning weddings and I'm scrambling to find the two D's for New Year's: a dress and a date.

I thought I had been doing enough soul searching lately, but obviously I wouldn't be me if this kind of situation did not make me take a step back and think about my life even more. So, I did. And that's what I am currently doing. And probably what I will be doing for the next few months.

But in regards to these particular situations, I decided that maybe it is time for me to start putting myself back out there again. Not talking wedding bells or even a relationship....I have too many things I need to rethink about life before I can get that far. But, it would be nice to have someone to kiss when the ball drops, and I don't think that's too much to ask for?

Perhaps sometimes, late night reflections can be productive after all.

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